The World Awaits HOST Istanbul 2022!

HOST Istanbul, held for the 15th time at Tüyap Beylikdüzü by Tarsus Turkey with the support of ZÜCDER, İMMİB and KOSGEB, has already drawn extraordinary attention from exhibitors and visitors. Tarsus Turkey General Manager Zekeriya Aytemur said that “all the stand areas have been filled for HOST Istanbul, which is the MENA region’s only event during the spring season for the home and kitchenware industry. Thus, we opened an additional hall for the March meeting, following new participation requests from manufacturers. In addition to the interest of exhibitors, buyers from all over the world are also looking forward to the Fair.” Aytemur added that, according to online visitor records, there is intense interest from visitors throughout the world. “As far as we have observed, there is a serious purchase demand. The products and collections from domestic manufacturers in Turkey, which stand out with their manufacturer identity, attract enormous attention from buyers, especially those from overseas chain stores. With the Overseas Buyer Program, implemented within the scope of HOST Istanbul, we foresee that the Fair will reach our anticipated high trade volume.” 

Aiming to export 7.5 billion dollars in 2022, the sector takes the first step at HOST Istanbul.

The countdown has started to the 15th meeting of HOST Istanbul, the Turkish Home and Kitchenware Manufacturers Fair. Taking place between 10-13 March 2022, the Fair will host more than 200 companies, most of which are domestic manufacturers, and more than 12 thousand buyers from four continents – again demonstrating its position as the trade centre of the sector. Zekeriya Aytemur says, “The products of our participating companies are the favourites of foreign buyers due to their quality, design and price advantage. We expect a serious trade volume at HOST Istanbul. The household and kitchenware industry, which aims to export 7.5 billion dollars in 2022, will take the first step on this path at HOST Istanbul.” Aytemur further explained that, through the Overseas Buyer Program, Tarsus Turkey brings large-budget buyers from abroad directly to the stands of participating companies.

HOST Istanbul will showcase 2022’s innovations and new designs in table and kitchenware, cooking equipment, plastic household goods and garden accessories, as well as home appliances, decorative home and kitchenware and electrical home appliances.

For detailed information: www.hostistanbulfair.com